Benefits of dog litter box

The Essential 6 Step Guide to Housetraining Your Puppy

Sterling O'Brien
Italian Greyhound Puppies in a basket, Blue and Seal Italian Greyhound Puppies in a basket, Blue and Seal

Housetraining a pup can be challenging—from their constant excitement to adjusting to new surroundings, it can all be overwhelming for our little fur babies. Here are 6 steps to help you housetrain your dog and streamline the process.

Step 1 - Establish a schedule

Create a schedule that works for both you and your pooch. Feed your dog at the same time every day and remove their food between those times. Start by helping them eliminate first thing in the morning, and then at regular intervals throughout the day. This can be done by taking them for walks (in the same area of the neighbourhood) or by using pee pads (which should always be in the same place—the Doggy Bathroom is an excellent option as its stationary design will become their go-to spot).

Step 2 - Implement a reward system

Reinforcement is crucial when housetraining your dog. Keep their favourite treats handy for when they do their business in the correct spot. Only use these treats for housetraining purposes (and not as general snacks).

Step 3 - Stay close during housetraining

Support your pet as they learn how to use the bathroom properly. Allowing them free rein in the backyard too soon can give them too much freedom and delay your progress.

Step 4 - Remove water before bedtime

Limit your pup's access to water leading up to bedtime. This will help reduce the likelihood of accidents during the night.

Step 5 - Expect some mistakes

Housetraining isn't a straightforward process, and there will be some "oops" moments. If you catch them in the act, correct them quickly (such as with a slight startling noise), but never punish them by rubbing their noses in it. Also, thoroughly clean the soiled area to prevent your dog from returning to that spot.

Step 6 - Plan ahead for time away

If you have a long day ahead and won't be able to let your dog out, plan accordingly. Arrange for a friend or neighbour to walk your pup, or feel confident with your Doggy Bathroom, knowing your pup has a reliable place to go.

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